Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Okay.. so its been a REALLY long week and its only Wednesday. Found out that one of my best guy friends is moving away!!!!! So life rocks right now... not. So I've been thinking a lot about how God has a plan of who is supposed to be in your life and who isn't. How He puts people in your life to stay or just for a while. I know it hurts to lose someone, especially a friend, but I hold on to the friends and family that I do have. They pull me through the tough times and help me see the light again!!! They remind me that no matter what is isn't good-bye.. its see you later!! Cause you will someday see that person again. Don't lose hope next time you lose someone, just remember its never good-bye.

Yours Always,
Lizzie xoxo

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Back from somewhere..

So its been a LONG time since I've been on.. but I'm back, and that is all that matters.

So God has been testing me lately.. and let me just say.. it hasn't been fun. But its something I will NEVER forget. Going through this has shown me who my real friends are, and who I can turn too if I need help or if I need something prayed for!! When God put me through this.. I think he not only was testing me.. but showing me that I have people I can trust. That I have finally found where I belong, at least for my high school years. Anyways.. its the things he does like this that make us see that he really is in control and that NO MATTER WHAT HE IS THERE FOR US!!!!!!!! I have a whole new view on life!!!! Even people trying to ruin my day have failed because I know that what they are saying is a lie! People around me have noticed and have started being more positive... All of this has happened because I just don't care what people think and I'm on cloud nine!!! How you may ask? After all there are so many reasons to be down, disappointed.. friends. My friends have helped me through so much!!! And if it wasn't for God sending us back up to the U.P. I would have the amazing friends I have now!!!!!! With out them, there is no way I would have bounced back as fast as I did. So I wish to take the time to say thanks, and if you guys ever need anything, you know where to find me.

XOXO Lizzie {-;