Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Growing up, and moving on

Yesterday night, around 11:30 or so, I learned that sometimes we need to grow up and get over it. I had been in a fight with an ex-BFF for over four years. When I tried to call her she always hung up. So finally we talked on facebook. She tried to blame the whole thing on me. At first I was mad, but then it hit me. This is going now where, she is just trying to get you mad so you argue back. So I let her yell at me, call me names, and all of that. Eventually I asked her if she was done and she came back with "Why am I making you mad?? If I am, good cause thats what I want!!!!!!" (And some other things that I wont share with you...) I simple replied, "No, you are far from making me mad. All your doing is showing me just how immature you really are. Calling me names, really? Thats like 2nd grade stuff, and your in 10th grade. Maybe this fight thing was for the best because I know for a fact I dont need someone like you in my life." This of course took her a while to respond to because she was expecting a totally different reaction. When she did, I just laughed to myself. All she was doing was trying to get me to feel bad for not talking to her. Then, when i said the phone works both ways she said she had to go because her mom was yelling at her. She tried again to make me mad today but failed. I am so over her and her immature ways. Someday we may end up friends again, but until then I will remember just how immature some people can be. This is a lesson I will never forget.

Yours as Always,
Lizzie {-;

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